Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A return to progress...

After the christmas period, things became a little slack and very little was done, all for different reasons. However, once we began work on our project script a few weeks back, things began to get moving again. Every now and then, creativity just needs a little kick in the right direction. Thankfully, we had a few meetings on what we wanted to happen and we worked on some practical work to get the creative juices going again. No body likes writing up massive essays and so for the script, we decided to split it up into areas relating to our project roles, therefore, nobody would have to write about something they know nothing about! Once we did that, it was only a matter of time before we built up a sizable script, detailing all aspects of the planned project, some of which can now be found on this here blog!
With the script now complete and handed in for correction, we now have a detailed plan laid out ahead of us and we can now get down to work on actually building the damn thing! So hopefully we will post more on our progress as Project: Non-Sense begins to take shape. Until the, have a look at the bounty of information here on the blog and get to know the universe you will be playing in ...Sorry, saving. Get ready to kick some Na'Var butt!:)

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