
Above: Updated Ra'Var alien character

Above: Updated Salai alien character

Above: Scientist character from intro animation

United Confederation of Sol (UCS)

Above: UCS insignia.

Formed in 2079, the UCS is a united group of member states with its roots and economic centre in the home system of Sol. Growing out of strategic necessity after the first contact with the Salai race and the rumor of other less-peaceful races further away, the UCS was formed by, and included, all the human territories of the time within Sol. Later, the COE expanded to include the new COE colony of New Dublin and the Luna colony of  Tropico, both on Atlantis in the Vega system . Later again, the Salai colony discovered on Atlantis was accepted into the UCS making it a two-system, two-race confederation.

Humans: Physical features
From the early days of the Confederation of Nations, right up to the present day, humans have changed very little physically, with the exception of slight changes in the people of Luna and Aries. All UCS member states enjoys greatly advanced medical care and quality of life, so as such the average humans lifespan generally reaches 150 years of age maximum. With the eradication of many diseases and very few case of cancer now, this lifespan is slowly increasing with each generation.
The early lunar colony of Luna, with its sole purpose of mining resources for Earth and low-grade technology of the time, resulted in colony employees developing sicknesses and mental problems with such long periods of time spent in zero gravity. As a result, with advances in genetic research in Europe and the moons distance from the moral issues of genetic modification on Earth, meant that improvements were willingly made to the genetic make-up of employees in order to ease their life, improve the efficiency of work and ultimately adapt future generations to life in zero-gravity. Later, with the introduction of artificial gravity to the colony, life became easier and added to the attraction of life on the moon. Future generations still maintained these traits and were ultimately passed on to those who founded Aries base on Mars.

Confedration of Earth (COE)
Itself a united group of nations on Earth, the COE now mostly consists of newly conglomerated superpowers which have all but absorbed neighboring countries due to the draw of fusion power and the economic strength that brings. The main power blocks now consist of: China, Russia, EU, US, UA (United Americas), Africa, Australia, India, UAE (United Arab Emirates) and Japan.
As the founding party of the lunar nation and first human colony on Atlantis, the COE still holds a large political sway over the larger UCS but does however compete with Luna for economic advantages. With fusion power released to the COE decades ago, providing a solution to the Resource Wars, Luna no longer holds a significant advantage over the COE and thus both sides are now more or less equal and economically reliant on each other.
As the homeworld of the UCS member states, the UCS’s governing bodies including the UCS Council is situated on Earth in the city of Zimbabwe where the wider interests of the UCS is governed. The Confederation Navy, a fleet of ships with the task of defending all UCS member states of external and internal threats, has its headquarters situated on the now vastly expanded and technologically advanced International Space Station, itself orbiting Earth since its construction began in 1998.

A former mining colony of the COE and later corporate nation, Luna was founded in 2021 with the cooperation of several COE member states in a desperate search for resources prior to the Resource Wars of 2035 – 2045. With the success of mining and vast amounts of resources found, the Lunar Mining Corporation (LMC) was set up to oversee the lunar base. Following the attraction of tourism to the moon and company expansion, the colony expanded rapidly.
The LMC soon set up a mining colony on Mars but due to the distance involved and economic strain, the colony was soon abandoned and the corporation slowly went bust. Originally a COE funded research company, SolTech became a major player on the Lunar base and bought out LMCs shares. Soon after, during the Resource Wars on Earth, SolTech discovered fusion power and used this as a bargaining chip to buy the lunar nation its independence and gave Earth a new, unlimited resource to solve its woes. The new lunar nation of Luna gained independence on 2050 with the Treaty of Johannesburg.
In the following years, Luna expands to add mining bases and colonies on several asteroids and its own fleet of ships to search for new places of settle. This results in the founding of Aries station on Mars and later, the colony of Tropico on Atlantis in the Vaga system. Eventually, with the discovery of the Salai race on Atlantis, the possible threat from malevolent races and the offer of Multi-Fusion power by the COE, Luna joins the newly-formed United Confederation of Sol.

Aries (Mars)
Originally a short but failed mining colony founded by the Lunar Mining Corporation. Aries proper was founded in 2057 by Luna; seeking a new source of water and ultimately a new territory on which to colonize. With vast Martian dust storms proving difficult with colony structures, Aries was largely constructed underground to avoid the storms with large domes on the surface providing areas for vegetation and agriculture.
As with the early growth of Luna, Aries soon became a successful colony with the mining of ice and water production forming its economic growth and trade with Luna and Earth. Soon, Aries, as with its founding nation, also wanted independence and supporting political groups such as the Martian Democrats, made petitions to the Confederation Council for recognition. Unfortunately, this was rejected by the council and the Martian Democrats, going back on promises of independence were give the position of ruling government on the condition of continued support of Luna. This inevitably did not sit well with the people of the now large city of Aries and civil unrest became commonplace. Rebel factions still loyal to the cause of Martian independence were cracked down on along with any nefarious activities and projects they involved: including any defense projects involving super soldiers. Today, Aries is still under the control of the corrupt Martian Democrats and their own little secret police. Some elements of the early reble factions are still active, waiting for a weakness in the despotic government and a means to achieve their goal of a “Martian Republic”.

Vega system

Unfairly to new member states, the UCS has maintained its name even though new states are in the neighboring system of Vega. It is hoped this will change as soon as Atlantis is given self-governing automy as a member state, due to the economic stress of governing a planet so far away from the home system.

Atlantis (Vega system)
The only habitable planet found in the Vega system when discovered by the fusion-powered starship COE Galileo in 2074, the planet was so named due to its vast swathes a ocean and little landmass. With only three large islands to choose from, each about the size of France, and a tropical climate all round, the crew of the COE Galileo coloized the island of New Dublin in the same year, so named because of the large quota of Irish crew on board the ship. The following year, first contact was made with an alien colony on one of the neighboring islands. These aliens, the Salai, opened trade with the crew and provided improvements to the Galileos fusion drive, allowing for a shorter trip home to Earth. This new Multi-Fusion drive went on to provide an incentive for the formation of  the UCS. It is found that the alien colony is in fact a refugee group, who had fled the destruction of their homeworld, Salain, and crashed on to the planet no more than 40 years ago. Descended from a pastoral faction of their society, they had little interest in leaving the planet and were settled on their optly named island of Salain.
In 2077, Lunas colony fleet lands on the uninhabited third island and founds the colony of Tropico. Peaceful trade is instantly opened with both New Dublin and Salain.
The human territories of Atlantis join the UCS on its formation in 2079 with the Salai joining in 2084.
Atlantis is currently in talks with gaining governing autonomy from its founding nations.

The Salai – Physical features
Although a peaceful and welcoming race, little is known about the physical make-up of the Salai as they have never been seen outside their protective suits. What is known is that they are similarly human-formed, short and squat with what we would see as a chubby, routund form (similar to Teletubbies, but without the face). Covering their entire body, except for a vague glass visor over their faces, the Salai claim these suits are their only means of living in the oxegen-heavy environments of Atlantis and human habitats. They now speak fluent English on contact with humans, using a kind of speaker on the face to relay their voice. They do still however speak amongst themselves in their own tongue. A refugee colony originating from their methane-heavy home planet, the Salai are far from home and gradually adapting themselves to their new home on Atlantis. A solitary species, they consistently stay in groups and can now be found in a small Salai-ethnic district in Aries.
It is widely known that the Salai hold drastically different sensory abilities than humans.

Above: Sketch of common a Salai.

Mesa system

Tarrang-6 (Mesa system)
Planet discovered late last year by the UCS Clandestine with peaceful trade talks opened up to planetary ambassador. On discovery, a small unknown vessel was encountered, did not respond to communication and swiftly departed. Trade talks still on going with planetary ambassador so little is known about the planet as of yet.

Unknown Origin

The Ra’Var
Since the discovery of the Salai on Atlantis, there have been consistent rumors of their aggressive oppressors, the Ra’Var. It is only in recent years however, with the release of UCS past mission papers, that some now believe that these rumors may have been fact and wrongly brushed aside by the governing states. As the current generation of Salai and those first encountered on Atlantis admitted to of drifted through space for several generations before crashing on to the planet, their stories of their home world and its destruction are spoken in the vein of mythical stories and as such were believed to be embellished somewhat over the years. Therefore there is little known about this race, only that they are malicious locust-like empire, moving from world to world, wiping out other species and picking planets clean of resources before moving on to the next. Judging by stories told by the Salai, it is thought the Ra’Var may be of a large insect-like form, close to twice the height of the average Earth-human.

Above: Sketch of Ra’Var Empire footsoldier (based on Salai records and