Game Backstory/ Timeline

The following occurs from 2012 to 2121 (In-game present day):

2012    After growing global tensions, short nuclear exchanges occur in the middle east and Korean Peninsula, decimating some countries and making some regions uninhabitable due to nuclear fallout. After such shocking destruction and the fear of possible future nuclear conflicts, a summit is held under the supervision of the UN to disscuss nuclear deterrence. Nations set aside political differences and form the Confederation of Nations (CON): a global collection of nations against the use nuclear weapons.
This Confederation is to convene in times of global crisis or importance.

2015    After years of political maneuvering, elections, referendums, riots and civil unrest, The European Union is declared a unified nation with the EU Parliament as its governing body. Some groups continue to resist this and are declared terrorist factions while many in the new EU are satisfied.

2015 – 2020    In the years following, the EU grows economically and several neighboring countries join its territory. As technology progresses, the EU, with its conservative policies, becomes a hub for bio-technology and genetic engineering. Within a generation, life expectancy is increased to around 150 years and improvements in bio-technology allow individuals to merge and improve physical performance using bio-implants. 

2021    First Lunar base is settled on the moon with the cooperation of several countries led by US, EU, Russian and Chinese space programs under the cooperative space program: United Nations Space Program (UNSP). The mining of resources becomes first priority with the intention of setting up a permanent base for expansion. Mining becomes successful and a permanent resource link with earth is set up. Due to this success, the Lunar Mining Corporation is set up to over-see the Lunar base. Over the following years, commercial interest is set up with tourist trips occurring more often as the price of travel to the Moon goes down.

2025    With the attraction of several companies and commercial enterprises, the Lunar base has expanded exponentially and its population soars over 200,000. Construction on an inter-planetary ship begins with the intention of a manned-mission to mars. As the transport of food, fuel and other resources from Earth to Mars continues to become costly, Lunar based technology company SolTech begins research into new forms of energy. As an incentive to avoid nuclear power, the Confederation of Nations funds SolTechs research, resulting in the companies rapid growth as a dominant player on the Moon.

2028    First manned mission to Mars. Due to the vast distance from earth and the time needed to travel, progress is slow and eventually a small mining base is set up.

2028 – 2035    Over the following years, Lunar companies send small mining crews to the Martian base as the need for resources grows back on earth. These small crew missions are quite isolated and long and so become too costly to upkeep.

2035    The last mining crew leaves Mars. The Martian base is abandoned. Due to the failure of the Mars mission, the UNSP suffers massive financial losses and is bought out by SolCorp. Therefore, SolCorp now controls the lunar bases mining assests as well as their all ready successful research and technology assests.

2035 – 2045    The Resource Wars. Oil wells run dry worldwide causing global unrest. Governments struggle to keep the peace and some nations engage in conflict over the last remaining sources of oil.
Meanwile, on the Moon, with the lunar base now fully self dependent with vast quantities of water and minerals still available, the lunar base remains unaffected by the resource troubles of Earth.

2045    The Confederation of Nations convenes due to the global unrest and escalating crisis. A worldwide effort is set up to find a new means of providing energy. Due to global warming, renuable energy has been greatly improved but still does not cater for the demand of energy.  Until then, the security forces of the nations comprising the confederation are to work together to bring calm their people and quell any unrest.

2048    SolTech discovers fusion power. Development of this new technology is prioritized on the lunar base. With the expansion of the lunar base still increasing and the lunar population now over 750,000, as well as the drain of resources by Earth, a growing need for independence by the lunar people from shackles of Earth becomes apparent.

2049    A council is held by the lunar companies and community representatives to discuss lunar independence. Due to its economic dominance and majority employment of the lunar base, SolTech holds sway over the councils decision. With fusion power technology now ready for commercial release, it uses this opportunity to make an exchange with Earth: Fusion power for Lunar indepencence.

2050    The Treaty of Johannesburg. In exchange for lunar independence, SolTech provides the Confederation of Nations on Earth with the solution to the energy crisis: Fusion power.
The lunar base declares itself an independent nation, naming its main base Luna, and declaring it as the lunar capital. With its company administrators determined to have a working government and secure the future of the new Lunar nation, SolTech releases its departments to become Luna’s new government departments of Luna..
With fusion power now in the hands of the Confederation of Nations, the mass production of fusion power technology on earth begins. The technology is kept exclusively within nations who are members of the Confederation, therefore encouraging other nations to join.

2055 onwards            The Lunar nation, now independent, continues to grow and expand, building more bases on the moon. However, it becomes apparent that water on the Moons surface will run out eventually and living space within the bases is diminishing. Therefore, the capital Luna begins construction on a fleet of ships to find other water sources and suitable locations for bases. Mars becomes a prime candidate.

2050 – 2065    On Earth, progress is slow but eventually those who are member nations of the Confederation have all government, military and infrastructure upgraded to fusion powered, afterwhich the power is made available commercially. However, population continues to rise.

2057    Luna restarts the Mars mission and founds a new base on it: Aries. With the new fusion power to supply ships with power, transport costs are cheaper than before and the base soon begins to grow. Vast sources of frozen ice on Mars also provide Luna with the water resources needed to sever water trade with Earth. With little to no ice left on lunar surface to provide water, Mars becomes Lunas only source of water.

2061    Luna’s fleet is complete. As a fully fusion-powered fleet, the Luna fleet is dispersed throughout the Sol system to mine for resources and set up new bases for its citizens.

2062    Due to the abundance of fusion power and the peaceful satisfaction of members of the confederation, Earth is now flourishing. This is put down mostly to the success of the Confederation of Nations rather than individual nations. Cooperation and trade between Earth and the Lunar nation also means a flourishing trade, although the current success of the lunar space program over the neglected ambition of the Confederation space program means the beginnings of competition between the two. Although the Confederation does have a small fleet of ships, these are exclusively short distance, inter-orbit ships used only for trade with the Lunar nation and its capital Luna.

2065    Most Earth nations are fusion powered except for those who simply cannot afford it.
Due to continuing high population levels, tourism is encouraged but settlement by non-Earth or Luna citizens is not allowed on Earth and Luna.  Also, with rising sea levels due to past global warming, Earths landmass is 5% smaller meaning less land to settle on.

2066    With the population of Earth now dangerously high, resulting in increasing crime and civil unrest, the Confederation of Earth (COE) begins construction of a long distance ship to travel to and set up a new colony beyond the home system of Sol.

2068    Construction of the starship COE Galileo is complete, an EU funded project. In the same year, the COE Galileo, a fully fusion-powered ship, is sent on a course for a planet in the nearest star-system Vega, where a planet has been deemed to be possibly inhabitable. With a full crew complement of 5000 crew and families, half of which being Irish contractors from the EU, the crew of the Galileo will establish the roots of the first human settlement outside our solar system.
With Martian sandstorms becoming ever more troublesome, Luna begins construction of vast domes and underground facilities on mars to provide more living space for citizens and factories. Also, water-production becomes a massive industry on Mars, providing Luna with water while mining provides both Luna and Earth with much needed resources.

2071    Luna’s fleet has established mining bases on several hundred asteroids, providing fresh sources of water and resources while also providing new living spaces and employment for its citizens. Luna begins construction of a long distance fleet to settle mining bases in the neighboring system of Vega. It also is to settle a colony a planet in the system which has been deemed possibly habitable.

2074    The COE Galileo enters orbit around the habitable planet now dubbed Atlantis. The new planet is larger than Earth with a similar atmosphere, however its landmass is mostly water, with 3 large islands covered in a varied jungle-like plant life available for land. One island is chosen and the Galileo sends most of its population down to the surface in small vessels. After landing, one area of the island is deemed safe and the colony of New Dublin is set up along its eastern coast.
By the end of the year, the colony of New Dublin is successfully settled with basic housing, factories and infrastructure. The other two islands on the planet have yet to be explored while the island of New Dublin has been fully explored and no sentient life has been found.

2075    First Contact – A small scout group is sent to the nearest of the two neighboring islands to locate an area for the next colony ship. An alien settlement is discovered, surrounding a large alien ship, currently in active. A peaceful means of communication is set up with the leaders of the settlement and trade between the two is set up.
The aliens are soon found to be peaceful race called the Salai, not native to the planet of Atlantis but who had only settled on this particular island 12 years previously. Their home planet was attacked by a race of malicious aliens called the Na’Var who traveled from system to system, wiping out and enslaving races, leaving their lands free to be mined for resources, providing what is needed for another expansion of their empire. The Salai knew the Na’Var were on their way and were going to be unable to defend their planet against them. Therefore they hastily built a fleet of ships to escape in and settle their people far away from the Na’Var menace. Unfortunately, the Na’Var arrived far sooner than expected and attacked the Salai fleet while it was escaping, destroying most of the fleet and scattering the rest. With the Salai planet left abandoned and empty, the Na’Var fleet let what was left of the Salai ships escape. These badly damaged, remaining ships continued to flee away from the Na’Var until one by one, they began to fail. Moving what was left of the Salai into the ship with the less damage, they continued on for several generations until their ship ran out of power and they were forced to land on the nearest habitable planet. Once landed, they had spent the last 40 years  settling around their dilapidated ship.

2077    Luna ships arrive in the Vega system and found bases on several asteroids. More importantly, a colony is settled on the third uninhabited island of Atlantis and named Tropico due to its tropical climate. Trade is set up with New Dublin and the Salai.
With the exchange of technology between New Dublin and the Salai, improvements are made in fusion technology. The new Multi-fusion technology allows for greater, more efficient, power, in turn improving the engines of the Galileo.

2079    With the new Multi-Fusion powered engine, the COE Galileo returns to Earth with the news of a successful colony and the discovery of a new race. The provision of the new Multi-fusion technology and a peaceful race is welcomed by the Confederation of Earth, however the news of the Na’Var empire is sniffed at by the member nations. A summit is called on the discovery of the Salai race and the possibility of other races. As the new Multi-fusion technology will also be discussed, Luna is also requested to attended. Due to the realization and seriousness of a new alien race and the possibility that there may be others, drastic political actions are sought to solidify human territories against external threats. The United Confederation of Sol (UCS) is formed with Earth, Luna, Mars and all other humans territories, including New Dublin, as its members, all of which are to be protected from external alien threat by the newly formed Confederation Fleet.

2084    Construction of the Martian domes and underground facilities at Aries complete. Mass immigration of surplus Luna and Earth citizens to Aries begins.

2084    The Salai join the UCS.

2087    With the Salai population on Atlantis now at high levels and their new membership of the UCS, the Salai make petitions to the UCS council for legislation to allow free movement among UCS worlds.

2088    With the introduction of new laws permitting the free movement of UCS citizens within its borders, small numbers of the Salai settle in the Martian city of Aries.

2089    During the political struggle of government elections on Aries base, private documents from past UCS and COE missions become public knowledge, this includes details on the history of the Salai race. Rumors of the mythological Ra’Var begin to circulate the Aries base and although no public policies are made, some government factions begin precautionary projects in the event of contact with the Ra’Var.
            An experimental project begins with the intention of creating super-soldiers with DNA spliced with both human and Salai genetic tissue. The extra-sensory abilities of the Salai would in-theory give a human a tactical edge over alien forces. Project: Non-Sense is result.

2090    Martian political party; The Martian Democrats, begins appeals in the UCS council for Luna to release its holdings of Aries, thus allowing Aries to govern itself as an independent member of the UCS. Due to its dominance over the Martian economy and its importance to the UCS, the appeals are rejected in favor of continued Luna control. Secretly, the UCS also fears a repeat of the independence and subsequent isolationism of Luna’s independence struggle.

2091    Government crackdowns on martian rebel factions following the corrupt election of the Martian Democrats results in the quiet closure of secret non-government projects, for fear of exposure. Project: Non-Sense is temporarily frozen and its only successful patient is placed in cryo-genic status to be awoken at a later date.

2115    A time of peace. The United Confederation of Sol (UCS) now governs member states in both the home-system of Sol and the recently colonisied territories of Vega. Protected by the confederation’s powerful starship fleet, and the growing need for new resources, the Confederation has expanded its borders and colonized new territories with little conflict or threat.

2120    Second Contact. The starship UCS Clandestine, on a routine scout mission searching a the new system of Mesa for potential planets of colonization, encounters a small alien vessel orbiting a planet teeming with life. As per Confederation First Contact Protocols, a communication link is made and peaceful communication is requested. The alien vessel does not reply but instead maneuvers away from the UCS Clandestine and disappears from range.
This encounter is logged as a failed attempt to communicate with a race too fearful of others. Second Contact made above the planet of Tarrang-6.

2121    Following a routine departure by the Aries ambassador on trade talks to the people of Tarrang-6, the ambassador reports the appearance of a vast armada of ships orbiting the planet, followed suddenly by a cut in the communication link.
Worried for the ambassadors well-being, a scout ship is sent to report on this appearance of an armada and the status of the ambassador. Once within the Tarrang system, communication with the scout ship is lost.
Worried that this may be the rumored Na’Var empire, the UCS hurriedly rallies the Confederation Fleet. Before the fleet can finish preparations, a vast armada of enormous black ships appear over the skies of Earth and Luna. After the screams communication is lost with Earth and Luna.

2121 – Present Day – Mars – Aries base

Deep beneath the barren sands of Mars, within the subterranean facilities of Aries, scientists scramble to awaken a group of experimental soldiers frozen long ago and almost forgotten. You awaken in a vast spherical chamber dotted with all manner of machines, computers and scientific equipment. Surrounded by a group of terrified faces, you are told that you are the only member of your test group who survived the unfreezing process but may be the only hope of surviving the alien onslaught. The loud sounds of ship orbital bombardment can be heard pummeling the surface of your beloved Martian planet. Having no memory and badly disorientated, you are reminded that you once volunteered decades ago to be a test subject in the application of new bio-technology which combined the bio-mechanical tissue of the Salai with genetically engineered Human tissue. The  controversial and secretive project was shut down before results could be found but those in charge at the time deemed it successful. Due to your long stasis and possible genetic degradation, some of your human and xenoc senses and abilities have been damaged or lost. With proper training and rehabilitation, these could be regained but with a war brewing above, there simlpy is no time. The only way to doe this in so little time is to kick start them with full-immersive combat, that means kicking some Na’Var butt!