Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fis Exhibition 2011 photos!!!

Its been a few months since the Fis exhibition now but looking back from a new prospective year in DkIT we decided to post some photos of our project and group over the 3-day exhibition, gathered from different sources over the summer.
Thanks to Baiba Engele, Rochelle Lazaro, Claire O'Neill and Jamie Callaghan for the pics!:)

Helping out the rival groups!:)

3rd years group photo (Some missing)

Fionn Larkin on project booth duty.

Eamonn Cahill & Liza Wang on booth duty (Good times!)

Final day of exhibition - Fis 11 cake!

Consoling the rivals from Osoreru.

Project booth before decoration and roof added.

Eamonn Cahill having fun!

Fionn Larkin after a long day at the booth...

Hopefully will have more photos of the exhibition uploaded soon so stay tuned! :)

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