Thursday, October 28, 2010

Change of plans...

On the 27th October, we met up to discuss research and our thoughts on the project. After looking it over, we had a general consensus that our idea had to change. Our original idea (Interactive Spy Movie), we felt was too ambitious. Even having a few different story-arcs would mean considerable filming/ animation, programming and scripting. We had also seen this idea used and done so many times before in interactive movies, role playing games and role playing books and unless we could bring something considerably new and exciting to it, it would be more of the same. So, we shelved it. Maybe not forever, who knows? we might pick it up again another time? but for now it shall remain archived away in some old dusty warehouse somewhere...

So! Our new idea, is an expansion of Fionn's original idea of the restriction some human senses (Eg. sight, smell, hearing) and use of others to solve puzzles and games. We thought of maybe putting someone in a room where they must use a sense to work out what an object is. For example, if the room is dark, the user must use touch or smell to work out that the object in front of them is a lemon by smelling it or touching it(we don't want to encourage tasting because some people might be allergic, don't want people to die on us!).
Next, we played with the idea of a large scale Snakes & Ladders-type game where the user rolls a dice and progresses places while having to work out objects on where they land, in order to progress places or be sent back places. We didn't really look at this any farther.
We then settled back on our initial idea of a sense-based game set in an enclosed room where the user must work out objects. Once we had pretty much decided what the new idea was going to be, we looked at what was missing from it. First, it had no narrative, the user needs a goal or drive to motivate them into playing it, as well as having purpose and place within their environment. This also meant we needed some sort of theme or story to the overall piece, without it the user will not be interested enough to play it. Also, we needed the user to come away from the project with something, a message or feeling or even the motivation to play it again. So, we noted all this and decided to look into this and hopefully have ideas for these things at our next meeting.

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