Thursday, October 28, 2010

Idea Developed farther...

Today (28th) we met up again to discuss the elements still missing from our new idea. We spitballed some ideas on backstory, interaction, audio and so this is what the idea came to by the end of the meeting:
The idea is basically that the user is a customer in a shopping centre during a town blackout. Outside, there is some sort of emergency or crisis and so you and others are in a hurry to stockpile supplies from this shop. The power is out in the town so you cannot see, but a customer shopping console near the door still has power and so will guide you to the items you need to the best of the ability. Some of its circuits are out though so you will have use what senses you have to work your way around and find those items.

Thats our basic back-story and narrative so far. At this point it would be heavy on audio as we actually have no visuals in mind but will have to incorporate as both audio and visuals are essential to the project. The sounds would be sound effects and noises of your surrounds in the shop, such as things being dropped or moved, footsteps, voices nearby, doors banging, coins dropping, etc. This, along with the darkness meant that we settled on an adult audience (18+) as it may be a little scary for children. May have external sounds of outside the building so as to add to the importance of the users job an situation.
We also thought of maybe having some lights to illuminate certain things or maybe guide the user to certain spots.

By the end of the meeting, we realised we were missing some important elements. We needed more visuals, it cant be ALL darkness or else it would have nothing visually interesting. We also needed to look at the computer interection area of the piece more. We want to make an interactive Multimedia project, not an interactive art project! So we are going to look at these more in depth and hopefully have them ironed out for the next meet-up!

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