Saturday, November 6, 2010

Further research (Narrative & Interaction)

Similarities to our narrative in this movie Demolition Man, where the hero and the villain are frozen and then woken up in the future in very different surroundings:

Idiocracy, where a man is frozen and then wakes up in the future where everyone has de-volved to complete idiots, leaving him the smartest man on the planet:

Le Loto les Saveurs (the tasting lotto) is a french game where the player must guess the flavour by tasting:

Les Loto les Odeurs (the smelling lotto) is a similar game but here the player must use smell to guess:

Similarities again to our narrative in the superb animated tv series Futurama, where fry is accidently frozen and wakes in the year 3000 to a very different world:

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