Saturday, November 6, 2010

Mock Project Presentation

4/11/10 - Last Wednesday, we did a mock presentation of our project to the class, went O.K. But after running through it, we can see lots of room for improvement for the real thing. Such as:

Visuals - We had very little visuals prepared on the day, apart from a rough mood-board, so we will need a lot more for the real thing next wednesday! As our narrative has the game set in a futuristic laboratory, we would have visuals such as laboratory environments and equipment, advanced computers with flashing LED lights and monitors, clean and sanitary walls and surfaces, whites, grays and blacks, etc...

Audio - We have ambiance and sounds in in mind that would match the visuals. Such as beeping computers, running hard-drives, lab equipment dripping and gurgling, vocals from the computer "personality", background/ outside sounds, and possibly subtle music from a radio or something. Again, we didnt have these on today, but will need them at the actual presentation so as to give an idea of how our game will sound.

Also need more research in the areas of our narrative, similar projects, and possible technology or similar set-ups. As well as sketches on how the physical aspects of the game will look (the users position in it or other elements of the game).

Lastly, after the feedback given and questions asked after our presentation, we think that some more evaluation on how the user will interact with the game from the beginning is needed. If they have no senses from the beginning, how will they interact with it? Will look into it...

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